A slug is a component of URL which determines a specific page on a website which is easy readable. It means that it is a part of URL that delineates the content of a webpage. A slug lets you:
- Include your keyword in the slug
The primary benefit of slug for SEO services sg is that you can alter the words to ensure it already has the words that you want to rank. It helps in determine what a webpage is all about.
- Create user friendly URLs
URL is also one of the components that the users will be able to see on the search results page.
Slug optimization
- Add your keyword in the slug
This is obvious that your keyword should always be included in the slug. It needs to make clear to user about what the page contains.
- Consider function words
The slug which has been generated by default may include function words like a, and, the, and other similar words. In many cases, you may need the slugs to determine what the page is all about but generally, you can leave them out.
- Add focus
Never just filter out the unwanted function words, but the words that you don’t need at all. If your slug is too long, shorten it in a word or two that actually makes sense.
- Always keep it short and descriptive
The URL of the page is displayed on the Google search results. This is not done every time, but sometimes it is replaced with breadcrumbs. Never overload it with too much information that it may cause you to reuse the URL just for the sake of article updates. Always be wary of adding dates and other details to your slug as it will give away when the content was first published. There is also one more reason to why you should keep the slugs concise: a short slug occurs just right after the domain that lets Google to display keywords in its mobile search result pages too.